Ford Residential

24th October 2023

Year 5 Residential @ Ford Castle

Year 5 had a fantastic three day residential at Ford Castle. For the duration of the three days, we were working on three targets; resilience, communication and teamwork. By the end of the three days, children had succeeded and improved in all areas.

Ford Castle was incredible and the children felt lucky to access activities such as; archery tag, orienteering, zip-wire, sensory trail, rifle-shooting and fencing. Here’s some thoughts from the children to sum up their incredible experience:

Imogen, ‘I loved Ford Castle because we all got along and communicating with each other really well. All of the challenges were outside and I just loved being outside for three days!’

‘I enjoyed Ford Castle because there was lots of fun. I enjoyed archery the most because we got to shoot at each other.’ Leif

Kaitlyn, ‘I loved all the adventures we went on. We did lots of scary activities that actually weren’t that scary. The staff were so kind from PGL which stands for Parents Get Lost!’

‘I loved Ford Castle because I overcame my fear of heights on the trapeze and zipwire!’

Gabrielle, ‘I enjoyed Ford Castle so much because it was exciting and fun filled. We got to do trapeze and zip wire up incredible heights. The food was great too!’

‘I loved Ford Castle, all the fun activities were just incredible. I overcame my fear of heights helped by the instructors and Mrs Easton and Mrs Milner. The silent disco was also the most fun I ever had.’  Scarlett S.

‘I loved being at Ford Castle because we finally learned to work as a team.’ Madeleine.